Sermon On The Mount

$99 / 1 Download

Included Package Content:

Immerse your congregation in the profound teachings of Jesus with our comprehensive sermon series on the Sermon on the Mount. This creative package brings scriptures to life with stunning graphics and engaging videos, perfect for captivating and inspiring your church community. Covering key themes such as the Beatitudes, the call to be the salt of the earth and light of the world, and the fulfillment of the Law, this series delves into Jesus’ teachings on personal integrity, moral purity, and loving your enemies. It offers insights into the Lord’s Prayer, storing treasures in heaven, and living a worry-free life through trust in God. Central to the series is the Golden Rule and the parable of the wise and foolish builders, emphasizing practical application of Jesus’ words. Equip your church with this transformative series and inspire a deeper understanding of Jesus’ teachings. Download now and bring the Sermon on the Mount to life!

verse: Matthew 5:7
length: 1:00
file size: 2.19 GB
designer: Alex Watson

Available in Spanish

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