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The Whole Story

Included Package Content:

The Whole Story is a four-week sermon series that reveals how the entire Bible tells the story of Jesus—His presence, His purpose, and His promise of redemption from beginning to end.

In Week 1, we’ll explore Jesus the Gift, recognizing that before He taught or performed miracles, He was given to us as the ultimate gift of love and salvation. Week 2 shifts our focus to Jesus the True King, showing how His kingdom was never about earthly power, but about humble authority and eternal reign. By Week 3, we’ll discover Jesus the Merciful Savior, who came not for the righteous, but for the broken, extending grace to those the world rejected. Finally, Week 4 celebrates Jesus the Redeemer, who paid the ultimate price to restore what was lost, transforming lives and making all things new.

verse: Matthew 3:16-17
verse: 0:59
verse: 4 GB
verse: Alex Watson

Available in Spanish