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This Christmas

Included Package Content:

A four-week sermon series celebrating the true meaning of Christmas through the gifts of hope, joy, peace, and love that Christ brings to the world.

In Week 1, we reflect on The Gift of Hope, recognizing that Jesus’ birth fulfilled God’s promise and offers us unshakable hope even in uncertain times. Week 2 focuses on The Gift of Joy, showing how Christ’s presence brings lasting joy that isn’t dependent on circumstances but is rooted in His love. By Week 3, we embrace The Gift of Peace, discovering how Jesus, the Prince of Peace, offers rest for our hearts and reconciliation in our relationships. Finally, Week 4 celebrates The Gift of Love, reminding us that Christmas is the ultimate expression of God’s love, calling us to share that love with others.

verse: Romans 15:13
length: 1:11
file size: 2.24Gb
designer: Pedro Oliveira

Available in Spanish