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His Name Shall Be Called

Included Package Content:

His Name Shall Be Called is a four-week sermon series exploring the profound meaning behind the names given to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6. Each name reveals a different aspect of His character and how He transforms our lives.

In Week 1, we’ll uncover Jesus as our Wonderful Counselor, who provides wisdom, guidance, and understanding in every situation. Week 2 highlights Jesus as Mighty God, reminding us that His power is limitless, personal, and redemptive in our lives. By Week 3, we’ll embrace Jesus as Everlasting Father, recognizing His unchanging love, eternal care, and perfect fatherhood. Finally, Week 4 celebrates Jesus as the Prince of Peace, showing how He reconciles us with God, brings inner peace, and calls us to be peacemakers in the world.

verse: Isaiah 9:5-7
verse: 0:55
verse: 2.6 GB
verse: Nick Armenta

Available in Spanish