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Included Package Content:

Fruition is a four-week sermon series exploring the fruit of the spirit.  Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Gentleness, Faithfulness, Goodness, Kindness, Self Control.

The included sermon outline covers the following: In Week 1, we’ll examine Love: The Foundation of Fruitfulness, understanding that love is the root from which all other fruits grow and the defining mark of a Christ-follower. Week 2 focuses on Joy: A Fruit That Endures, revealing that true joy is not based on circumstances but is rooted in our relationship with Jesus. By Week 3, we’ll explore Peace: The Fruit of Trust, discovering how trusting God brings deep, unshakable peace in all situations. Finally, Week 4 highlights Patience: The Fruit of Perseverance, showing how endurance through trials and faith in God’s timing produces spiritual maturity.

verse: Galatians 5:23
length: 0:43; 0:32
file size: 3.53 GB
designer: Alex Watson

Available in Spanish