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Easter: Greatest Story Ever Told

Included Package Content:

Easter: The Greatest Story Ever Told is a four-week sermon series exploring Jesus’ mission, sacrifice, and victory over sin and death.

The included sermon outline covers the following: In Week 1, we’ll examine His Purpose, Our Rescue, understanding that Jesus came to rescue humanity from sin through His life, death, and resurrection. Week 2 focuses on Love, His Weapon, showing how Jesus used sacrificial love, not force, to conquer sin and death. By Week 3, we’ll explore Pain, He Endured, reflecting on how Jesus’ suffering was for our healing and redemption. Finally, Week 4 highlights Death Defeated, The Grave Conquered, celebrating the resurrection and how Christ’s victory gives us eternal life.

verse: John 15:13
length: 2:21
file size: 4.34Gb
designer: Alex Watson

Available in Spanish