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Easter: Like No Other

Included Package Content:

Like No Other: Easter is a four-week sermon series exploring the unique and transformative power of Jesus—our Rock, our True Vine, our Redeemer, and the Son of God.

The included sermon outline covers the following: In Week 1, we’ll explore Jesus as The Rock, understanding how He is our unshakable foundation, offering strength, stability, and salvation in a changing world. Week 2 focuses on Jesus as The True Vine, revealing how abiding in Him brings spiritual growth, nourishment, and the ability to bear lasting fruit. By Week 3, we’ll examine Jesus as The Redeemer, celebrating how His sacrifice on the cross rescues us from sin, restores our relationship with God, and offers us new life. Finally, Week 4 highlights Jesus as The Son of God, affirming His divinity, His victorious resurrection, and the eternal hope He provides to all who believe.

verse: Acts 4:12
verse: 0:55, 1:07, 1:44
verse: 6.5 GB
verse: Alex Watson

Available in Spanish