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A Savior is Born

Included Package Content:

A Savior Is Born is a four-week Christmas sermon series celebrating the fulfillment of God’s promise through the birth of Jesus and what it means for us today.

The included sermon outline covers the following: In Week 1, we’ll examine The Promise Fulfilled, reflecting on how Jesus’ birth is the realization of God’s long-awaited plan to bring salvation and hope. Week 2 focuses on The Light Has Come, revealing how Jesus shines in the darkness, guiding us into truth and grace. By Week 3, we’ll explore The Humility of the Savior, understanding how Jesus’ humble birth challenges our view of greatness. Finally, Week 4 highlights The Joy of the Savior, celebrating the lasting joy that comes from knowing Christ.

verse: Luke 2:11
length: 0:57
file size: 4.29Gb
designer: Pedro Oliveira

Available in Spanish