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Who is Pixel Preacher?

Alex Watson


I’m Alex Watson. I’ve worked in church design for over a decade. I have a passion for storytelling, especially when that story is the Gospel story. I’m based in Northeast Atlanta with my family.

Pedro Oliveira


I’m Pedro Oliveira. My design journey started at a church, which makes this extra special. I love bridging the gap between design and story. Especially ones from the Gospel. Home is Northwest Atlanta with my family.

We believe that art is a universal language.

God can accomplish incredible things through the power of creative art by displaying the truth of Jesus. Through graphics, animations, video and music, our goal is to preach the Gospel one pixel at a time.

Pixel Preacher is a collection of artists who create content for your church to enhance the worship experience for everyone from Mrs. Mabel who has been attending since the doors first opened to the apprehensive family of four stepping into church for the first time.

Why We Started

We love creative design. We’re inspired when we watch new shows and they have captivating opening title sequences. This moment sets the stage for what you’re about to experience. We thought that putting that much effort into creating church content was a MUST. We wanted to make stellar design packages that are also editable so that anyone could customize them. This option was lacking in the church media world and we wanted to fix that.

Design Matters

We pour our heart and soul into what we create. The story of the Gospel should require nothing less. We’re tasked with telling the story of our redemption and we want to do it justice. We believe that the creative arts is a universal language. It’s a key player when it comes to connecting the secular world with the spiritual. Our goal is to grab people’s attention, if just for a moment, to introduce the story of Jesus in a way that they have never seen.

You Matter

We’ve worked on church staffs for several years and saw firsthand the demand for creative content. Luckily, it was our job to take that burden off the pastoral staff. We want to lift that burden for you. Pastors and church staff, your time is valuable and should be spent focusing on what God has called you to do, and also spending time with family and loved ones. Spending hours or days trying to find or create creative content is not ok. We hope we can be the solution so you can focus on what matters most.

Open Door Policy

Please let us serve you. We want you to have access to awesome content, but better yet, we want you to be successful in using it. If you download any of our content and need help, don’t hesitate to ask. We set you up to win with custom video tutorials for everything we offer, but sometimes you need more clarity. Just ask us! You can find us during most business hours using the chat feature or join our Facebook group