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Living Water

Included Package Content:

A four-week sermon series revealing how Jesus alone can quench the deepest thirst of our souls and lead us into a life of lasting fulfillment.

In Week 1, we recognize our spiritual thirst and explore how Jesus, the Living Water, satisfies our longing for purpose and meaning. Week 2 focuses on Jesus’ invitation to all who are thirsty, offering His presence as the only true source of rest and satisfaction. By Week 3, we discover how a life filled with Christ overflows, bringing renewal and blessing to others. Finally, Week 4 points us to eternity, where our thirst will be fully satisfied, and we will experience unending life and joy in God’s presence, shaping how we live today.

verse: Matthew 5:6
length: 1:41
file size: 2.17GBs
designer: Pedro Oliveira
Inside Look

Available in Spanish

Living Water - Spanish